Monday, November 12, 2012
要当一个模特儿并不那么容易,不是随随便便拍了几张照片就说自己是模特儿,甚至我也不会承认自己是~你可以批评我不够瘦,你可以说我暴露。那是事实:模特儿背后有着的心酸谁懂?拍一张照片只用一秒钟可是,照片背后她们下了多少苦功?多少时间减肥?多少时间学习新pose ?要抵挡多少的谣言?多少的眼泪流过?一切的一切都是需要时间去学习,去挨过~ 就算你的鼻子打过几支针,整容又怎样?现在的社会只会看你表面:美就是美,不美就是不美,就是那么现实。就算你不穿衣服,样子很丑,一样没有人like,就算你穿了很多衣服,样子一看人就觉得美都会有成千上万的like.不要认为别人暴露就是发娇,这是艺术,不能接受的就不要看。我们只是为了梦想,而奋不顾身地去闯,青春不留人~至少你曾经为了你的梦想疯狂努力过那就够了
What do u think about modeling ?
People use to said u wer
e a slut because u wore too little?people use to hate u without any reason,spearing rumors.oh come on man.. We r not ! !is ain't easy to accept by public that u r over dress,too sexy ,u r fat ,u don't have the model look kind of thing. I believe if u work hard on what u do , people will surely see it.. We are tiring too.. Sometimes ,we cried because we gain weight,we sad because people saying and telling things all over that what we never do.. Haters hate us.. Taking a picture is just using one second ,what about behind the scene?how long we took time to keep ourself fit? How much we cried for?how many burden we had?we can't tell the photographer that "hey I don't have the mood today"let's change the date for the shoot.. (can u ever do that?) the answer is no! Professional gotta stay pro ,no matter how sad u r , u gotta face the camera with a smile.. No matter how sexy picture u took..professional is always the professional .. Pro photographer will not do anything to the model and the model never get touched by the photographer.that we called professional..if u like it ,stay on my page,don't like it ,please click "unlike "thank you ~ ❤we live for ourselves not for anyone...
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